Can anyone in the Helsinki or Lahti areas recommend a salon or stylist who can cut curly multiracial hair into a specific style and do it well?
Does anyone else get night time lows that are nearly impossible to raise?
just found out my parents can’t stand my singing and have been mocking me the whole time. should i quit?
What song are you listening to right now?
Post your most recent photo of your cat
What song does this for you?
Is it better to get 1 or 2 MC as a first time cat owner?
Nervous about weight loss journey because I’m afraid I won’t lose any weight
Help me identify my cat
Does your cat ever bring you to your breaking point?
Age diagnosed w/ T2?
Ready to be Famous but not sure where to Start
Asked ChatGPT to be brutally honest about some lyrics of mine and sheesh
Starting to hate all the "I'm a genius, but can't write a single song"-posts here
Where can I find bras that I can try on in person for F - J cup, preferably with a variety of band sizes too.
Is there a physical store in London that I can walk into and try on a variety of 44G+ bras? Because I’m on the verge of flying there just to bra shop
Who really does exercise?
My cat has been in the sink all day trembling. Does anyone have any ideas?
Only posting here cause Drew's reddit is dead, but...
I will doodle your Cat❤️
Do you guys have random times with more stable sugar, and random times with less stable sugar? I’m having a wtf moment.
I have big sads, please can I have pics of your Mainecoons to cheer me up?
On and off Pain under crown for two years following root canal
Is it cruel to keep your cat indoors?
Am looking for dreamy, whimsical song by specifically black women.