J’ai fait des trucs
Suis-je en train de me faire gaslight par ma meilleure amie?
What did you listen this week ? / Vous avez écouté quoi cette semaine ?
Today I was given a bag of nuts
Combien vous dépensez en vêtements? (À 5€ près)
Drinking culture
Cant black out.
Pink beer! It sucks!
After 1 year of playing, I have finally achieved the elo you are supposed to start with as a beginner!
A sad day
dark cinematic beat
New song, first post
Quels sont vos films français(ou francophones) préférés ?
First page of a new sketchbook!
She messaged me just to tell me she didn’t like my profile
In your opinion what is a song that is good but has a Music Video that makes it that much better
Do I release my music lol
Novice à la ramasse
Posted in the discgolf sub
Some song to calm y mind?
Asked ChatGPT to be brutally honest about some lyrics of mine and sheesh
Recherche collaborateur·rice pour un projet littéraire autour du jeu d'échecs
What Songs that sound Happy but have Dark or Sad Lyrics?
I tried to make music as a beginner (day 1) What do you think?