If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
Why Did You Start Using Reddit?
What song are you listening to right now?
What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?
I feel like I need a brain reduction to live in this society
What is the best album of 1988?
Remember when a series was 25 episodes?
If your past self met you today, what would shock them the most?
What’s the best protest/political song(s) of all time?
How did you find new music before Internet age?
Which one is better: vaginal or clitoral orgasm?
What Song Would You Choose to Listen to on Your Deathbed?
What game did u have the most fun playing while high
Do you have regrets?
songs that make you think about life
What’s the most satisfying food to eat when you’re starving?
What’s the hardest thing to do while high? (lighthearted)
If you were able to erase certain memories would you choose to?
Write down a quote that stuck with you.
What is healthiest food you like to munch that isn't fruit or vegetables.
What's the weirdest thing you ever saw in person?
How long do you wait for Tea to be ready for a sip?
What’s a game you played, absolutely loved but will probably never play again?
WYR become a mind chip or have your mind transferd into a robot
Do y'all ever just hang out in the bathroom