After 20 years of dreaming, I finally just bought my homestead/mini farm on 15 acres in middle Tennessee 😁
PSA: Learn how to merge
Truckers that do this to the best Walmarts in the country that treat us well, please answer me: why? Why do you do this?
One Simple Item That Could Save Your Life in an Emergency
11 Years Later: Fulfilling My Promise to Get a Bitcoin Face Tattoo Live – Help Me Plan It
Soooo true …..
Ok, maybe y'all were right... I'm not dead but damn did I see my life flash before my eyes.
How do you find someone to homestead with.
So many of these flatbedders are one hard brake from certain death..
That's fine, I guess I'm just not eating eggs 🤷
This just happened, so I made it into a meme
Here’s what $100 can *actually* get you at the grocery store.
Border patrol, ohio turn pike police, state police, and commercial motor vehicle enforcers. He's hauling something besides ass.
Found on FB. The new Fast and Furious looks phenomenal! /s
I bought bitcoin at $108K
Another inexpensive and healthy meal. 1/2 package of Tri-tip steak, 1/2 bag of garlic parm green beans, and a bag of grilled potatoes. About $8.25 for the meal altogether.
At a truckstop in Malta, MT. A couple of vehicles dropped these off, got paid by someone, I took these photos, then someone else came and hauled them off.
Let's do a safety analysis of this incident rather than just gawk at the likelihood of a fatality.
That’s gotta hurt ( day 4)
I'm so sick of this.
Slow down move over
2-Week Provisional DOT Physical questions
Serious discussion here with gas prices …in 1980 gas prices was on average $1.19 in America which is $4.54 today . The average price today is $3.06 a gallon . So 45 years ago Americans paid more at the pump than today ??
This morning
What happened to 600-800 dollar cars
I hate when people don't reply to there own ads.