Found my first chicken of the woods! Is it good to eat or too old?
Dad 53yr chemo isn't effective anymore.. I have a 3.5 week trip planned to my partner in another country.
Jake mlems in his Cadillac
Jake in his Cadillac
Puppy Jake
heartwarming experience with a missing dog case
Had a funny walk today
What kind of drugs were you testing?
Would babysitting a well behaved dog help set a good example or creater more problems?
Everyday I come across the man that raped me when I was 16 cause he works in my neighborhood. 27m AMA.
I adopted this sweet boy from the Humane Society last month. Everyone asks what breed he is whenever I leave the house. I may do a DNA test eventually, in the meantime take a guess?
A kid followed me on my walk today, barking and, eventually, screaming.
change in moodswings/depression after quitting hormonal bc?
This guy’s energy is insane!
What is the silliest thing your dog is deathly afraid of?
Wat zijn Nederlandse woorden die een grappige vertaling hebben als ze letterlijk worden vertaald naar het Engels?
A shopping cart sculpture in the middle of nowhere.
Don’t forget to bring your daily offering to the bag gods today!
Regenton gezocht!
Missing cat in Groningen: Heidi, a very friendly cat, missing from the Mauritsstraat, Oosterpoort. Really hoping someone may spot her 💔😔
I’m afraid my puppy will live in his crate
Mrs. Rescue Dog needs a name that plays on her patch. Help :)