What are songs from the years 2000-2020 that were big hits but are now forgotten?
What are you addicted to?
Wat zijn Nederlandse woorden die een grappige vertaling hebben als ze letterlijk worden vertaald naar het Engels?
A lighter gets lighter when you light it.
Het is vijf april, Nationale Bitterbaldag. De grote vraag aan r/theNetherlands: blokjesvlees of draadjesvlees?
1 april, kikker in je bil!
If you were obligated to donate half of your bank account to a charity, which charity would you choose?
Let's go, yurop. What region would your country give up first?
Geocachers of Reddit, what’s the coolest thing you’ve ever came across while geocaching?
What are you sick of hearing about today/tonight?
How was your day today?
If you could choose to speak one extra language fluently, which language would it be?
[GIVEAWAY] I have these sets for 2 of you that comments, winners picked at random in 24h. Good luck!
What is your favorite pizza?
What are some stereotypes about your country you absolutely hate or disagree on?
What's your favourite place to go for nightwalks?
What is the dumbest thing you've done or said while being drunk?
Which question have you seen so many times in this subreddit that it should not be asked again?
What is something you should never say at a funeral?
Would you travel to another planet if you had the possibility, but you can't go back? And why?
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Daily Wordle #276 - Tuesday, 22 Mar. 2022
At what point did you realize you are getting old?
What does coconut water taste like?
What small thing ruins your day?