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weird missing walls?
This man stole $122M from Facebook & Google by simply sending them random bills which they paid.
Costco slightly spicy rib bbq sauce
If you died right this second, what would your last words be?
TIFU by calculating my inflation adjusted raises
What are the Coke vs Pepsi of Games?
avenger titan guns
GOXLR causing audio to cutout in demanding games
high ping issues
This is gonna be weird but what's ur go-to curse word? That one default word u never fail to use
I think my gf is pregnant
audio bugging out when trying to capture screen
disney tangled
audio bugging out when i stream
What’s your favourite water?
Don't vote it.
Tell me a number between 1 and 638 and I’ll give you a song from my playlist
Give me your 5 most used emojis, and I’ll rate you on the ✨basic white girl scale✨💅
Cursed_Just the two of us
Dudes water out of these cups is immaculate
O is for?