Property manager not responding to questions about the lease, deadline to return it signed is coming up (MN)
Periods or bleeding?
What skins song has you feeling like this?
My ex who cheated with our teenaged coworker will not leave me alone
I need a good excuse for being in the hospital after a suicide attempt
Does anyone have experience filing a stolen wage claim with the MN dept of labor?
Dive bartender going in for my first shift at a high end restaurant, advice?
Dash lights flicker on and off, brand new alternator and battery
Dashboard lights flickering on and off, brand new battery and alternator
Book Recs?
What would a dragon do if their rider was killed midair?
I think I was drugged as a kid
If your white KIA sedan was stolen today I got a good picture of the thieves
Could anyone else have done without the adult plot?
Big thank you to whoever posted their “we both want to pay!!” Trick in a thread last week
Anyone dealt with an ex purposefully bringing other girls around you?
How to find events (music, DJs, parties, etc)
Can a 22F be allowed to sleepover at boyfriend’s?
How do I explain 9/11 to somebody who doesn’t see it as a “big deal”?
Which Twin Cities Service Center for getting an ID card is the least crowded?
Any intel on working in a restaurant attached to an apartment complex?
What is your favorite scene in the whole show?
Potential season 2 plothole
Round 7: Outfit 10 is out. Vote for your least favorite outfit. The most upvoted comment with the outfit number wins.
Round 7: Outfit 7 is out. Vote for your least favorite outfit. The most upvoted comment with the outfit number wins.