My sisters dog keeps trying to eat my kittens
Bites on cat ear?
My sister’s dog keeps trying to eat my kittens
How long did it take for cat to return
chat have I hit rock bottom
$1800 worth it? scent tracking dog to find cat?
My baby is lost and I’m devastated
how likely is finding a lost cat?
edible hits bf instantly???
do you ever get hungry, cook yourself a meal, and as soon as the meal is done feel repulsed by food 😔
is it weird for bf to keep in touch with a friend that’s a girl who lives hundreds of miles away
autistic partner cheated but insists he loves me
autistic partner 22m cheated, he insists he loves me 22f
has anyone tried bumble bff?
Paraphilias, Subclinical Autism, and AGP
How to attract birds to balcony?
Can a 22F be allowed to sleepover at boyfriend’s?
I (20f) still love my cheating ex (19NB) what do I do?
should I end my situationship or ask for more?
I think my UTI turned into a kidney infection but my doctor and nurse are telling me to wait
I need help sleeping.