What Was the First Video Game That Made You Fall in Love with Gaming?
Tell me your wanted sequel and your wanted remake.
What's your favorite "GTA clone"? What do you think of them?
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 4
If you had an option to change the origin of any X-men character who would it be and what would be their new origin story?
Who's winning this and why?
The most underrated movie of the 1990s?
What was your worst theater experience and why?
Competency Review Board
Who is next?
Chasing Ribbons
Yo We Getting a madam Bo kmeo LETS GO
people saying giving a T-1000 an Khrome Skin but nobody talking about this one
Movies that turned out much different or better than expected
Who would you cast as Rick Astley in a comedy film about rickrolling?
Who is your favorite Duo in gaming?
If Cillian Murphy didn't play Oppenheimer, who else could have pulled it off? 🤔
What version of your favorite character would you say is the “definitive” version of them (design, character, gameplay)?
What are some of your biggest video game pet peeves?
Daredevil basically stole the Kingpin from Spiderman's Rouges Gallery. If you could have a hero steal a villain from another heroes Rouges Gallery, who would you pick? I would have Captain America get the Swarm(Spider-Man) for obvious reasons
How much yall think?
How would you feel about a new group of combat kids made of old characters?
What long gone character would you like to see return?
What would you change if you were the commandant