Hot take. Bellatrix's death was better in the movie than the book.
For those who have/had crushes or are/had been in love, what classical music piece do you relate to the most?
Looking for angry, intense, energetic classical music recommendations
camilla? pt2
Most of Haydn's symphonies are... boring (Disclaimer: IMHO, to me)
Does anyone even find LTRs in Switzerland anymore? (Gay Perspective)
Desperated for food due to financial struggles, what exactly are my options?
Who are the most expressive pianists ever recorded?
Which 3 would you pick out of these 12
Drunk is not consent
Love-story... How could I move to CH? Could I get an English-speaking job?
Weird symbols at Lucerne Train station, what do they mean?
my stupid fucking cello won't stay when I try to push the pegs in place
Regret over failed career as a musician
Who are your Top-5 film composers?
New in Bern - Looking for potential hiking/skiing/biking buddies
This 90s kid can't do it.
What are your favorite LIVE recordings?
Do you still buy classical music CDs?
If your favorite actor played a composer, which one would they play?
body hair and leotards
That’s the uniform in our ballet school, what do you think?
What are you going with? Any underrated ones?