Pick an album,i'll tell you my favorite song
Do you know any sites for downloading pirated games for windows?
So is pop punk a punk sub genre or not...please dont kill me
Name a Perfect thrash song (no big 4 allowed).
Rate the room rate the room XD would y'all come over to hangout in here? <:
Who gets the aux?
Pick an album,ill tell you my favorite song
What albums have the best produced sound?
What do Yall use to make these teirlists
So i made a setlist of albums for a roadtrip
Besides punk/hardcore, what do you listen to when you're bored of listening to metal?
Rate my taste (im 15)
Rate my music taste...
high effort meme title
Top Voted Songs Each Year, 2021
So Far So Good So What cover by me
r/Topster's favorite metal albums. Most upvoted gets added. Toxicity wins (9/25) (Man u guys r some hipsters..)
Does anyone know where i can stream/download majestic by gamma ray?
I finally listened to all of them
Guess my age, gender etc from my top 25 albums
Do it
Which album of 2025 are you excited for ?
Ask me something :)