For those of you who have gotten them after a vaccine,
Started Metoprolol today...
Does this stack work?
Freaky pvc's driving me nuts!
This is getting so confusing
Literally makes me gasp
Is there a reason why days I be without pvc and the next it's nonstop
Family said it was too raw
Is Business Rate LLC. Legit?
They just don't go away anymore
Can you pet the alligators in Florida?
Quick question…
Treated myself today
Thoughts on bracelets? Torn between the two
Started yesterday... morning after...
Good news but still worried?
New cardiologist just told me to "get it out of my head"
Does Super Beets Chews Help?
Time to tackle the scale with tirzepatide—wish me luck!
Here's a few pieces i have, not including necklaces and bracelets, probably 15 of those in addition to this...
President Musk and his puppet
I don’t know what to do about my tattoo it’s been a month
Depraved and entirely unsurprising