How did #metooo effect your dating life and approach to women?
Where Shambhala Training went wrong
Crystal Pool Cost
2024: the year of Victorians buying cyber trucks....😑
Christmas Night Sauna Fire Burned down our house.
First post
Crystal Pool referendum set for Feb. 8
I watched the UVIC Muslim Student Association's Virtual Lecture With A Former Jihadist Banned From Entering Canada. Here are the highlights
Conversation Etiquette in the Sauna
What is happening to the music scene in Victoria?
any fawcett mattress owners out there: considering both pure latex or hybrid
What is the fastest way to reprogram the subconscious?
Is an MA worth it at midlife?
Tantric events to heal (sexual) Trauma ?
Demand from Naropa to recant and apologize. Here I recant and apologize.
Backyard Sauna Build
Can I put vapor barrier over this insulation?
2012 Fiat Sport ownership cost
Best places to get captured by faeries?
Is the big earthquake coming and are we all going to die?
Anyone delt with a 08 Error on the Revv1?
Damned if I do, damned if I don't
The Most Expensive Grocery Stores in Victoria
Worth reporting antisocial behaviour on Galloping Goose?