I got this Governor’s Citation last winter. What does it mean?
The snow doesn't seem to be bothering the birds on my backyard bird camera
Elon and his weird obsession with her.
What is this??
Gramps didn’t get shot by Nazis, then serve at D-Day for this. About 1943.
Urbana this morning
Someone hit my parked car yesterday. At least they were nice enough to leave a note.
Aviation under Trump
My Gigabyte mouse caught fire and almost burned down my apartment
Been a tough winter [0YO]
GUP & PW 40th Anniversary
whats actually better in the microwave?
Don’t fall for the “Spin”
Is there a way to filter all the political rubbish from my feed?
Cabin Fever
Apple ruined mail
How has biking impacted your life positively?
Are we banning X/twitter links?
Why nazis
How are those BGE bills looking?
Petition to ban X links on r/maryland
Why is Power Windows so endearing? Best work?
My grandfather in Paris after winning the war to stomp down Nazis. (1944)
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