Mega health anxiety/panic disorder- advice welcome
I wish I could just magically have a hot body.
TIL blood in the stool isn’t actually a “medical emergency”
Guys is this fragrance unisex ? I am a male and really want to wear it
Do strictly bottle fed babies root around too?
Sex is difficult mentally
Question for the Ladies men with chest hair ?
I [20f] am haunted by the things I did as a teenager
And people wonder why I’m so insecure about my body.
Are we actually putting our babies to sleep at 7 PM?
I cannot stop comparing myself and it’s starting to trigger my eating disorder.
Hating my body after giving birth
getting off to pictures of you
Who's this asshole?
3 week old cries every time I try to put her in her crib
When did you start to show?
BF won’t stop looking at other girls
Doctor want to induce me, i am scared
When did you get your baby on a schedule?
“Wait until you have kids!”
bleeding after the day of having sex
Is Monistat 1 day supposed to burn?
Bp readings from October 15th till Nov 23rd