Post exam
M1 Struggling with Long Term retention
Ready to take STEP 1 without in depth review?
Explaining FSRS Helper add-on features
99% chance for STEP 1 before dedicated, is it worth actually taking dedicated?
99% chance of passing before dedicated, is it worth actually taking a dedicated?
Tooo many anki cards
Please explain it like I'm 5. Halo CE VR mod.
so, I installed Halo VR...
Went pike fishing today and got a 28.5 inch rainbow instinstead.
New Macbook Suggestions
New Feature: Quantify Your Short-Term Memory in Detail.
Reducing FSRS desired retention 3 months before step
Liver +
After 250+ hours my bibites finally learned that meat is food
Average Anki cards per day?
Reducing Fat content in Chicken Thighs
This is why you don’t want dragonfly larvae with your shrimp
IM SOAP Template I made and have found helpful on rounds. Hope this helps to those that can use it!
Suitable tank for Apisto’s
Can't stay asleep past 5am
Help! Does this set up look okay for an A. agassizi pair? Worried about the male bullying female to death. A lot of caves / space behind the drift wood as well