Do you care about whether the company aligns with your ethics?
To cold sear or not to… has anyone tried it?
Wildland Firefighters not wearing Masks?
Has anyone done genetic testing for predesposition to weak crural muscle?
It feels awkward to go to work or even to do regular stuff right now
Current Air Quality Visual in Los Angeles
Finally sleeping soundly after 8 years of GERD
Anyone do the acid watchers diet and fully heal and was able to go back to somewhat normal eating? I’m doing it now and it’s helping but I don’t feel this diet it realistic forever as I enjoy restaurants/traveling.
The "achilles heel" of reflux surgeries is the hiatal hernia repair.
Just had Surgery. Post op comments.
Anyone tried vonoprazan (Voquenza)? It just got approved in the USA, but is commonly available in Asia.
LPR research - Autonomic Neuroregulation in the Larynx and Its Clinical Implication
Were you happier before or after you achieved success in life?
LPR Exercise Experiment
Ask Experienced Devs Weekly Thread: A weekly thread for inexperienced developers to ask experienced ones
Hi. Former Mazda master tech here...
My representative at my local Mazda Service Center said topping off oil every 1000 miles is normal for CX-5 turbo 2019 (50k miles)
Anyone else concerned about having to redo hiatal hernia repairs multiple times in a lifetime?
Burning Oil FAST
Mazda Service Center recommends that I replace my air filter. Is this dirty enough? I replaced it about a year ago, and am a bit surprised. I have a CX-5 Turbo. First image is dirty side (intake), and other image is clean side (egress).
Have you tried iqoro
Does anyone else struggle with asking for referrals?
Where does a vented range hood exhaust to in a large modern apartment building?
A grand welcome back for the Sumo Citrus