What is the best rap beat of all time?
Why does no one talk about how majestic buried alive is
Most Attractive Black Women In Your Opinion?
Best Ye collaborator out of these 3?
What was the first yeat song you heard
I miss this spotify profile picture😢
Who's your least conventional GOAT pick?
Any rapper you consider a one ALBUM wonder?
You can stop 2 people from dying who will it be
Who Making You Cry First???🗣️🔥
They together!
Does anyone have the og pic? I wanna make some edits
Kim is looking like Bianca now
im banned in 47 subreddits and banned from twitter, the discord and insta
Do you guys actually have friends that listen to yeat / or are big fans of him? It’s rare bro lol
I'm starting to feel sorry for Lone
Ai album cover
Did Nas ever mention what this was in relation to?
What's this guy's worst music take?
LLLD will have the same vibe than...
What month has the best Kanye albums?
I met Lil Yachty
Who’s hottest
Average faces of women around the world
Saint changed his yt profile pic which kinda confirm he is in the Bully cover