What is on your 2025 bucket list?
If you could time travel to the 70s and 80s, what would you bring back with you?
What's something inexpensive that holds a lot of sentimental value to you?
What do you think would be a great invention that could help stop/manage fires like the ones presently in LA?
What is a fun fact about your town or something unique about it?
What is your ideal breakfast like?
Would you rather have your dream career and get paid poorly, OR get job you hate but the pay is good?
What helps you with anxiety?
What has been a myth/legend/forklore that has been passed down for generations?
For those who have/do listen to rock music, what is your favorite band/artist, genre of rock and why
What is your take on pretty privilege; is it an actual thing or just an excuse for people to call out on people's success/luck?
When one remarries, especially in case of death of spouse/mutual divorce, is there any justifiable reason for your new spouse to ask you to get rid of all memory of the former in the house?
Kind Man Takes In 2 Kittens
What did you have in 2014 but not 2024?
What is your favorite song of all time?
Someone tell me it is not just my mother who refuses to go to any person's home, even immediate family without a gift at hand?
What made you realize,"wow, I want to spend the rest of my life with this person" with your partner
i am really curious how different was life back in the 70s and 80s depending on where you were back then?
Men of reddit, June is Men's Health Month. What are some men related health issues you wish were more discussed/acknowledged/talked about?
If aliens arrived and you are Earth's spokesperson, how would you explain to them what earth is and what humans are?
What did you believe was real as a kid that disappointed you when you found out they didn't exit/was false?
On October 21st 2009, 9-year-old Elizabeth Olten was brutally murdered by her 15-year-old neighbour Alyssa Bustamante. Alyssa wanted to see what it was like to kill someone.
What movie/series have you watched that made you feel like it spoke to you/was made for you?
Looking for women-led podcasts
What is something you have been keeping from your friend and would never tell them no matter what?