Can someone explain me a quote of Uncle Iroh?
How do you hold yourself accountable?
Where‘s the line between AD(H)D and “normal“ behavior?
Looking for a good energy adaptogen
A painting I made after 25g of Valhalla truffles and nature meditation.
As long as the therapist is qualified, does it matter who I seek it from?
How did you realize that your parents are narcissists?
Learning the clarinette. But which one?
Doctor says that I dont have ADHD/ADD
How to deal with your smartphone?
How has Somatic Experiencing changed your life? What can one expect from it?
How do you pay the huge amount of tuition fees in Eastern EU countries?
Composing your own Yoga Sequence
ADHD & severe trauma?
Must reads?
During these troubled times, what hobbies or activities have you decided to take upon yourself to teach???
Book recommendations for a layman?
Studying with CPTSD: Whats your journey? Any advice?
What are some good Master programs in Taiwan for int. Students?
Has anyone successfully put together a DIY SE program?
How to channel my anxiety when I study?
Sometimes I feel as if I have cried after Meditation.
Spending way too much time eating breakfast
Meditation on medication. To what extent is it effective?
Tips and advice on how to finish my Bachelor