What’s a situation where you’re most likely to have a deep conversation?
Songs that make you want to dance?
Songs About Cats?
Meet me in the woods
Sailor Song
Fearing AI Will Take Their Jobs, Workers Strategize for a Long Battle Against Tech
Mind over matter
Garttz Lefther
Horses are faster
What’s the most frustrating product you’ve had to replace because it felt like it was designed to break?
People who post indecipherable and unintelligible questions here, why do you hate proofreading?
Birds of a feather (Vibey)
Where do you go? - Claire George
Når hele verden ser
Country Roads
Man or a monster
Ma Meilleure Ennemie
Adventure of a lifetime - Two's a pair
Mashup by Krimsonn
White flag
Years and Years - Breathe
Don't blame me