What do you guys think?
No slot available
🔺 F2F Nov 18th
F2F and CJO ✨
Has anyone done FA training with a family member?
Love spitting this gem around town
Frontier Rant. I’m at a loss for words.
Can someone explain what the cartel is?
Base transfers United
Realistic Commuting Advice
frontier banned me
It's insane to me how United has the most expensive bases out of the big three but pays the least
Is UA really the best?
Any other flight attendants treating this as a “temporary” job?
currently in training at UA…
How to let the flight attendant know that I will help with whatever if necessary?
United Club Shower Suite Etiquette
anyone going to be in the class of 2319 (05/15) for UA?
Trouble choosing between DL and UA CJOs
I got my f2f with UA!
Balancing relationship
No CJO 🔺
okay i can breathe now….
Thoughts on Straight Male Attendants