Rog Ally constantly has the plugged in symbol even when running on battery
Habt ihr schonmal erlebt das die Prüfungsaufsicht zu spät kommt, ihren Computer mit samt Zugangscode für die online Prüfung vergisst und dann ständig mit nem Assistenten quatscht und ablenkt?
I'm looking for the most story in a game per GB of file size
Mitten in der Prüfungsphase und über 39°C Fieber… hattet ihr das auch schon und könnt mir Tipps geben?
You’re a hypocrite if you don’t buy at local discounters because of perceived societal judgment in Switzerland but order on Temu.
Fed up with Swiss health insurance
Please pray for me
This man paid 10,000 bitcoins for two pizzas in 2010
A new gamer on the way
Swiss Redditors within 10% or under the poverty line: what's your story ?
How old was your mother when she had you?
What are some good story focused games I can play on my ally?
What are the best games to play on the 10W mode that still perform well (60fps) on the ZE model?
Any recommendations for a massage therapist in basel? Should be covered by insurances
Jon Skywalker new Instagram story
Welches YouTube Video guckt ihr Mindestens einmal im Jahr ?
Recently got my Ally and just now have seen this video. How does one achieve that? What are the best ways to emulate these games?
Ich (M33) bin seit 4 Jahren selbstständiger Privatdetektiv. AmA
What are the best low energy (newer)PC games for Handheld Gaming?
Why is AFMF dog poo software
Is it fair to sell a Switch Oled thats 2-3 years old for $120
Adding games to asus rog ally?
Forgot my MacBook Password but am currently logged in, what are my options?