I know its not a Ferrari, But what is it? TIA
Pyro is currently unplayable for industrial players
I call it “Desert Balrog”
First time!
What's song is this?
Pyro Space station Interiors. Screenshots.
Another battle rifle
Decided to paint my hunting rifle since I had a couple days off work, my favorite paint scheme so far
Ruin Station, Pyro
My first gun purchase. How’d I do?
After 30 years of depression stealing away my life. I decided to fight for it. 50 lbs down.
María del Carmen García was sentenced to prison after killing her 13-year-old daughter's rapist by pouring gasoline over him and setting him alight after he taunted her while out of prison
Recommend Diners
Please can you help me identify Makes & models? of these guns
Help identifying this gun please. TIA
11.5 URGI Build
Testing out the new Holosun NV Optic - PTR9 SBR
MP5 Clone (PTR9) SBR, with New Holosun Night Vision Optic.
I bet that I am the only one on the sub who owns a MK18.
Loving this DD & Eotech pairing. Grey on grey.
Got bored, stripped and repainted. "Rhodesian Nights" inspired.
MCX in Down to Earth and Flat Earth browns
Advice on Repair.
The people off 35 exit ramps into Dayton asking for money
Seeing alot of suppressed Ak’s