The cute face disguised the blankness behind the stare.
How! Defying gravity
Leo’s a prize dangler.
This is Leo. His eyes are blank but match the stools.
So where were you coming from, how long did it take you to get home? What’d you see?
90s Kitchen Remodel
Jeremy (dangling) and Leo (baby)
Somewhere in Southern Ontario, Canada.
Jeremy and his little slung paw…
Meet Jeremy.
This is my favourite photo of my sweet boy Jeremy.
Someone thought my Jeremy belongs here.
A few days ago I posted Jeremy lying in these flowers, face down. Today I found the photo that I got with him sitting up. He really was a glorious boy.
monday face
My boy Jeremy napping in the flowers.
Leo between two cat beds, staring into your soul
Magnificent boy
Leo checking out the snow!
My uncle said he’s ugly
The face after mom panics because you’re missing in the house.
Leo checking out the carnage from the 2013 ice storm in Southern Ontario.
My gf of 7 years passed away and all I got were these lousy cats
Bought Home; Feeling Very Sad