How to get out of my shell at work?
When would I apply if I want to go to vet school after my senior year?
Does taking stem courses in the summer look bad?
Will vet schools care if i take org chem 1 and 2 at a cc?
why does everyone seem so miserable
Worried about experience diversity
Tried to fix dirt stain :(
Is it possible to travel after finishing vet school?
are abroad trips worth it?
Feeling discouraged and stressed!
Course rigourness/difficulty
Are aggies accepting of transfer students?
Transferring as a junior
I am scared that even if I do move on, I will never forget him
does anyone else feel like more time has passed compared to what’s actually?
am i moving on or am i just having a good day?
kinda depressing to both miss them and want to move on
Trying to figure it all out.
knowing healing is not linear is scary
Which undergrad stem courses do you guys recommend taking together?
Is it common to apply to vet school your senior year? Pros and cons?
College at 32?
Going through a hard breakup and I can’t even play the sims without getting triggered
Should I be worried? - community college vent