Excuse me???
So.....my 8th key of the week
Too much fun
Mobius M Mobius
Need info about returning spirits
What's the hardest line in a J. Cole song?
What's the hardest line in a Yeat song?
What's your favorite song off MDL?
KOD is good
These 3 posts in a row show the current state of the Big 3 subreddits
Cole and Kendrick?
Error while buying skin from clan store
Finally a real cure
My 13yo son with ADHD got this with his lunch. We laughed.
Why does stuff like this always get me?
I feel this in my soul
A little announcement, speaking from experience...
Quitting smoking was a multi-year experience for this reason 😂
Task initiation
Everyone talking about the Autism creature meanwhile I thought Wooper (the Pokemon underneath) should become the representation of Autism. (and Psyduck for ADHD)
Behold! The scariest utensil ever!
Don’t fall for the government ’s lies! ADHD isn’t real it’s just the vaccines!
The People In My Life Have No Idea Who I Am Unmedicated
And apparently ADHDers are more likely to catch a cold
Wait, it isn't?!
All day. Every day.