who’s coming to my festival? 😂
Pick *just one* newer band that is carrying the torch for Pop Punk in 2025
Name for a band comprised of electricians?
A couple years ago someone here asked for recommendations for good bands with “bad” names
Why did 2002 have so many classics?
I need great albums, I cant find anything that hits me hard anymore
Best instrumental accents in famous songs
Favorite Underrated drummers ?
If you had the power to take away one thing from humans, what would that be?
This subreddit kind of sucks
As I get older, I just want someone to be "boring" with. Is it just me?
A band name for a gang of raccoons
What are some angry songs? (Preferably rap, hip hop, rock and metal)
My opinion didn’t seem realistic
Sour Patch Kids and iced coffee are a perfect pairing
A group of conservative attorneys that wear “blackface” and appropriate dub reggae poorly
What is a song that is instantly recognizable from the very first note?
Should I just make another IG account if I got shadow banned?
How Your Mother Met Her End
31 m4f
My American friends, what is your opinion on ketchup chips?
What are some sitcoms people crap on but you love anyway?
Need 1/2 hour comedy recs
The year 1973 was pretty good
looking for stimulating conversation