The Lynch series inspired me to update my Favorite Movies list - the podcast has covered by my count 20 of my 40 favs, with one coming soon. Roast my list!!!
Art for The Jelly Trilogy commentaries, plus details on the first two Spielberg bonus eps!
Now that Blank Check has finished its Lynch overview, what did you think about it, specifically their analysis and discussion on Twin Peaks?
“These films are not terrible” is a great pull quote
Most underrated movie the pod has covered?
“Cars” series on Patreon?
Happiest day of my life
For those affected/interested - RIP NO/LA film industry…
The Bunk spitting facts, as usual
TV corner, what current shows do you recommend enthusiastically?
The most important question to consider and debate tonight...
Chloe Troast makes a cameo in the new film Goodrich
SNL Predict -- Ariana Grande
The 2024 Interactive Map... Sucks
Tim Walz for The Straight Story? (joke)
This is a cool film Kickstarter - potential rewards include screenplay feedback and a Dazed and Confused poster signed by Linklater - three days left!
Twin Pods: Fire Cast with Me Bonus - Short Films + The Music of David Lynch
What movies aren't deserving of the "misunderstood masterpiece" treatment that they get in today's film discussion?
Watched Luke Null perform tonight and shared a few words after, AMA
What’s your favorite thing you watched because of the pod that you otherwise would have never seen?
[Meme] Not Like Us (Doug Walker Edition)
The Cast of SNL Sings ‘Espresso’ by Sabrina Carpenter
Actors with Incredibly Similar Voices?
Letterboxd Profile Share - A chance to follow fellow blankies with similar tastes!
The AFI Top 100, Unspooled, and Paul Scheer
Spam Political Text Messages