I arrived at my lecture yesterday and no one was there, but today they’re all telling me they were there. Am I crazy or is something going on
Said what they said.
National Grid hold music is making me crazy
Anyone else been seeing actual 'security guards' posted by MTA subway turnstyles/gates?
What happened to all the bodegas on the subway platforms? All but gone…
Anyone know where to buy gym stuff?
Most of you hate people, not jobs (just a theory)
This is for the person who is asking us NEETs to touch some grass. Here's my photo
Jury Duty
How do broke people move to NYC
For those of you who dropped out of college or never attended college, what do you tell people when they ask you about higher education?
What a Grade day
UPS Store employee fired, records himself flipping out
I've been isolated for so long, I forgot how to socialize
I, 35M, have never had a job and have no higher education degrees or certifications. How do I find a job?
Do you think it is easier or harder for our generation to keep friends as we age into our late-20s?
Entering dream state directly from waking state during meditation.
Is it bad
Neets what type of body u got?
It's BRUTAL to see people my age with accomplishments and me having NOTHING
Is this excessive? 10000 student school and a death every month
Do you know someone who smokes weed/how frowned upon is it?
Do any of y’all remember being scared of Joker from the 2004 Batman series?
Why are people born between 1990-1995 so obsessed with claiming that they grew up before the internet/smartphone era? That's largely not true.
[ Removed by Reddit ]