Sliced a watermelon earlier and it was .. curly?
Spider Man is the best INFP hero. Now who’s the best ENFP hero? Top comment wins.
bolinhas cinzas caem constantemente no meu armário
Vocês acham que o Ace foi mal aproveitado?
A little weird.
What is something that you HATE and what is your mbti?
What causes splotchynese in your seasoning?
Saw this at a UK charity shop, How long ago was this drop
Cite sua banda favorita e outra pessoa vai te recomendar uma parecida
Qual pássaro é esse? Encontrado no interior da Bahia
MBTI types in a nutshell:
MBTIs During the Apocalypse
Spot on
Papo de maluco: tomar banho como mudança de estado de espírito
What should a 19-year-old focus on to avoid regrets at 30?
A weird observation about ENFP’s as an outsider: ENFP’s are, for me, the type wherein their intelligence varies the most
Both are good!!
Virginia metalcrafters cast iron duck / how to care for this?
Have you tried it?