Which color backpack will you keep if you have to gift two of them as gifts?
Puppy will not nap or settle... day 3. He's running on fumes. Help
5 months :)
My discount store was selling mystery cans for 25 cents.
Going to Chili’s tonight for the first time in 18 years, what should I get
Bad haircut (before vs after)
Talking like a husky
Technically, Rocky's not supposed to be on the couch. 6 months old. 60lbs.
Puppy blues?
10.5 mos!
Happy 1st Gotcha Day!!
Human doodle
Anyone know what’s going on here?
Resource Guarding - how did you fix it?
puppy regret
Found this guy sleeping in my bed as if he’d just got off a night shift.
Do minis stop growing earlier than a standard?
First haircut for Teddy
How were you able to keep both your dogs in the same room?
My Bernedoodles haircuts question
New dog dad because of this little guy!
Here’s more photos since y’all liked his hat
Puppies are hard…
Non-Stop tail chasing and biting
15 weeks today and starting biting! Other wise he is chill