How much does ship design matter?
What's a great prog epic on a bad prog album?
What’s the most badass guitar solo?
What’s going on in this picture 😭
Best Comedy Prog Album
28 Years Later
i edited this meme a bit but here
Particularly wordy songs?
Is it bad that I don't play to a metronome?
Ian Anderson's opinion on Genesis
Thoughts on Peter Hammill's voice?
First Concert
tell me your favorite song and i’ll tell you what i think of you as a person
Guess my age
Give me your most listened song this year and I’ll rate it!
Going to see them live tommorow. What to expect?
Songs that mention “spells”.
Good acoustic + singing prog tunes?
Am I the youngest Supertramp fan?
Songs that only say the title at the very end
Stairway to Heaven won. Whats unequivocally the best Genesis song?
Songs that are mostly English but have at least one phrase from another language in the song.
Instrumental songs, that makes you emotional?
Songs with breathing in them
What prog rock album best describes today’s world?