Barroth/Jyuratodus Afflicted
Nobody warned me about this 😭😭
Gallica "Talking Like a Person"
Did Gideaux and Forden both cheat in first round of the tournament?
Required Skills?
Opinions on Soul Hackers 2?
Everyone always asks what your favorite monster is but what monster would you celebrate being hunted into extinction?
Another unfair regional pricing
Underwater Combat in Future MH Titles
Strength and fortune fight is so hard?
How accurate is this?
What’s a monster you LEAST want to return in MH Wilds?
What's the hardest boss in hollow Knight in your opinion
I think I am ready to take on the Dark Aeons. 🥹
Regarding hair texture
Maybe a stupid question, but why is fatalis so special?
You remove one monster from the entire series, which one do you remove?
Funnest Monster To Fight
Was there ever a monster that made you doubt yourself as a hunter?
Hey I'm doing a thing which monster would be willpower
Question about Akechi in the “Bad” Ending
AITA for skipping my daughter’s wedding?
Creating Michael
What are your unspoken made up rules that you just "do"?
This guy in the tweet got arrested for murder (More info in the comments)