The American Dream is dead.
Who did this
Left at my apartment dumpster today
Are you excited about the end???
I'm at church with my mom and she messaged me this while I was at the washroom.
All OK?
My organization has become so toxic that I want to squeeze every dime I can out of them before I tell them to fuck off.
My mom keeps opening my mail even after I told her to stop
My friend got asked to take a pledge saying health insurance executives are good
Weird new hire physical
Job made me sign a document saying I won’t discuss wages with my coworkers
My job is 'thanking' us by reducing our pay. On Jan 6...
I worked 66 hours last week, 36 OT hours for the pay period and all I made was a lousy $400 more
Welp, just got off the phone with my kid...
This has to be a joke, right?
I disputed a charge with Wells Fargo and got denied.
Miss the Old Cracked
A question about dealing with AIs
These questions on an "employee engagement survey" in a contact center
Why would my boss target me?
I’m gonna see my partner 10 min per weekday now
Girlfriend quit minimum wage helljob, and instead of celebrating we're both terrified.
My “substantial” pay raise after a year of employment.
I knew it was coming. Return to office
AI is taking over my line of work. Former employer is firing older workers and denying UI benefits.