Ben after being bagged outside the ship
When wendi had enough of papa's nonsense
This is very Lovecraft
The Matrix Christmas [by the SomethingAwful goons]
I let the intrusive Christmas thoughts win...
LORE accurate Jeff the Killer pulling up to Dead By Daylight
In the same vain of it feed, it breathes, it breeds
Trinity meeting Neo in the goth club in the first movie was super dangerous, no?
Do you ever feel like a piece of cloth
eat me like a bug
We all have one
help me convince my mamaw
fan art/edit of the boys
Wendi everything he visits papa meat
All I see when I watch CreepCast
Cool art idea
Baby hunter
We need the boys to read more really bad creepypastas here are some truly awful ones
If Isaiah gets lost in meatlamd
Wendi if he slayed
It's always their fault
Is... is this hunter explaining what a fandom is?
Where do the machines get oxygen for all the people in the pods when the whole world has been destroyed by the machines?