How long did it take you to get to 00g (10mm)?
Loot from 8k Vardorvis
This nut doesn't realize he isn't helping the argument. If Trumpf was even grazed by the bullet, the amount of damage would have been drastic.
hello, first slide is me, second is a guy with my ideal haircut- what's it called and how do i ask for it?
Elevating my wolf cut
What haircut is this?
ELI5: Why does placing bread in a container of cookies soften the cookies?
Definitely worth a watch!
Proposed Run Energy Changes & Open Beta (Live now!)
Men, What are your thoughts on using toys in bed?
Does your golden have a non-canine best friend?
Wondering if I could get some feedback on my profile, been out of the game for 6 years
Where to deco?
Popularity of pickup trucks in the US — work vs. personal use [OC]
You know who you are, and you should know better
Post the latest picture of your golden in your camera roll..
to play the victim
COX Scouting & Scaling
What is the most number of times you’ve had sex in a single 24-hour period?
[Left Ear 0g, Right Ear 2g] How do I stop the lumps/wrinkles?
8 month old keeps chewing his legs
Does anyone else Golden like to rip grass out of the ground? And how did you stop it?
Do hollow needles remove skin?
Woman struggles with a python, TW : some blood at the end