Are there any Isekai MCs who could possibly kill Subaru permanently?
Is this a first step towards government mandated femboys?
Marvel civilians be like:
Why are X-Men fans like this?
All right, which one of you was this?
The only correct way
Go go gadget”Holocaust Trauma”
I would like to thank Magneto fans for making us Punisher fans look sane by comparison
Gooners of the world, Unite!
Gooning is now popular.
Nomamoto Daily Life 22 by @TioChakuroSFW in X.
In response to /r/pcgaming blacklisting X, I will be blacklisting /r/pcgaming.
Girls in most isekai series don't act like actual people, but robots programmed to simp for the MC
Reach Across The Aisle [OC]
Undoubtedly Based Superman fan
The director of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 confirms it is not a Christian game
She’s single now lads
Vampire Miles was a fucking demon bro😭
Choose one.
If Native Americans claimed ancestry results like some of you.
This is something that I noticed going through post on Reddit
Why Doctor Doom can't accept the human race is destined to go extinct? Is he stupid?
Made it accurater