Worried about Avalon
How do you watch live?
I hate tons of commercials, but does anyone else love the Dawn duck commercial?
Best map in Warzone?
People dying in the Cali fires helps crypto become more scarce, so it’s actually a good thing.
Name an annoying thing people base their entire personality around.
Back in the day... a calm game of solos on Verdansk with the Swiss K31 💘
I’ve watched Goodfellas a dozen times but just realized we see Henry’s parents again at his wedding.
Any other players who used to do pretty well with the previous WZ struggling hard with this new integration?
Ever walk out mid-movie?
Why do you like sports?
I’m so sick of the “wArZonE 1 wAs OnLy gOoD bEcAuSe oF cOviD nOsTalGia” argument.
Good explosives and maneuverable vehicles are what made WZ great
How has Rocket League avoid cheating issues prevalent in other games?
What do you consider the most painfully unfunny sitcom?
Name a sitcom you loved while it aired, tried to rewatch later in life that you hate
If you had exact foreknowledge of the events of titanic sinking, what would have been the best method to save the most lives?
OG Verdansk Halloween Event. The best the game ever was.
Why did Warzone 1 feel less hollow?
what should a ugly man do if he wants to be attractive ?
What’s the most controversial opinion you have that you’re afraid to say out loud?
Surprisingly effective way to curb social media use if you have an iPhone.
This game just doesn’t “feel” right.
Who is your favorite non-super champ Jeopardy contestant?
Jeopardy! discussion thread for Mon., Dec. 30