F 21 Looking for friends 🩵
26F - Hello! Just looking to chat - where are you all from?
24F looking for friends to chat and meet (East Midlands)
24F really nervous and needing a distraction
20F I can’t fall back asleep. Let’s chat?
24F looking for friends to talk to
[19F] honestly just looking for friends who don’t ghost 🫡
(22f) Hey you! Message me for a little bit.
21f I have no friends and I’m embarrassed about it
24F looking for female friends to call and maybe sit of discord calls with.
Looking for gaming pals or friends.
24F sick of being ghosted and sexualised
24F why do people just not want to connect anymore
28 F - Looking for a Bestie/Sister
I'm so lonely f/21
I (25M) just cut my ex (23F) off and it’s hard, how do I move on?
Is adult life really this lonely?