Trade Target: Sidney Crosby
Is carton milk tastier than bag?
What should I call this country?
Does anyone else narrate their life like it’s a documentary when they’re alone?
What is the name of the technique used to fill in the empty squares here?
After Mark Carney's statement on Trump's threat & PP's silence, who is your choice for the next PM?
An uneven season made better by Jeremiah.
Is it really true that ignorance is bliss?
As an American, I keep hearing Poillieve being referred to as the “Canadian Trump.” How accurate or inaccurate is this statement?
What do you think of gmo ?
Which political party do you see becoming the opposition in the next election?
It’s so fucking awesome to cheer for teams to win/lose because of standings
People often say one should "lead, follow, or get out of the way." Throughout your life, who did you lead or follow, and how did that impact your life?
Trump's announcement on gender binary?
who did you want to be when you grew up? and who are you now?
Did you laugh when young people got emotional about TicTok?
What do some things the Maritimes have that Pacific Canada doesn't have and vice versa?
What is a piece & musician pairing that you praying to see released (as an album) one day?
Have you ever felt the world was as uncertain as it is today?
Have your views about God changed over time?
Where did the Israeli English accent co.e from?
I've always been fascinated by Canada, but I've never been. What's one thing you wish tourists knew about Canada before visiting?
What was your experience traveling to an Asian country with squat toilets. 🚽
If P.S stands for “Post Script” then why do people say P.S.S instead of P.P.S?
Does watching "Hockey Day in Canada" Make You Proud to Be a Canadian?