What are some really awful things they said to you during the breakup/discard?
R's IG Story
Does anyone else delete friends and family on social media when they make you mad?
AIO or is this a total breech of privacy?
In case anyone hadn’t seen it yet
I miss my husband
Life is full of surprises.
Only if it worked that way!
Support -TYSM
Anybody’s else narcissistic partner turn the car into a torture chamber?
I think I saved her life
I feel like I picked the wrong day to go NC againnn…
High highs and low lows
Currently hiding in the closet
Anyone in the healing phase start to feel the narc was actually ugly?
2 year old with down syndrome stands on her own for the first time
Do beard braids count? Its the only way i can manage all this hair!
Group chat for people with BPD 💖
Need some advice.
Narcissist magnet?
Why do narcissists challenge you to leave and then get upset when you do?
Why does he keep trying to get in contact with me through fake texting numbers if he hates me so much…
Thank you ladies…
I can’t accept it