If I fall in a driveway but don’t break anything (but holy soreness) do I report it? And how…no one is here
Boy oh boy I love rural weekend routes
Anyone else worried about the future of this company?
Amazon Sunday
Got another one 😂
Usps or Amazon?
Vacant green card
As long as they’re not IN the box
Any other offices currently have just one gas card?
Fashionable Reusable half-masks?
What label maker do you swear by?
USPS Has Failed to Adequately Staff its Force
Uhhmmmmm…..ok lmao
Rare negative customer interaction
Being a homeless cca in San diego should I ride it out till can rent a rm?
Hostile work environment
Why don't desperate offices hire full-time carriers?
One hundred certified
Whoever invented this is a sadist
The changes make it feel harder to pivot builds
A fellow carrier put this sticker on the LLV I used today, and it accurately describes the state of these vehicles.
The clerks will be warm tonight
"Somebody needs to come in tomorrow to deliver them parcels"
Anyone avoid Ring camera doorbells?
I'm trying!