“Why is your kid named St. Ides Heaven?”
My wrapped
songs about bricks and walls
Yet another one, I’m not mad, I’m just sad that he will forever be a basement dweller as he is too far detached from reality to learn that his opinion will never be important to the internet
Songs I would listen to if I was a witch making a potion
pick one album and the rest were NEVER made
Ai “paintings” in Hobby Lobby
What would your username be without these letters?
Songs that aren’t really singing but more like talking over a beat
Putting everyone’s username inside of this binder (12 Hours Only)
songs where the title is something you CAN drink but probably should NOT drink
Songs from albums where the title track is not a popular song from that album.
Songs about gender, particularly gender nonconformity/trans experiences. They do not have to be intended as such, vibes also count
Songs with river in the title or where a river is a focal point in the song
Radio Songs That Aren’t Family Friendly
Songs where the intro kinda sounds like farts
self titled songs
The first recorded (& released) song by your favourite artist
Songs with lists of people in them.
What can you infer? Someone might get it.
Need help naming a species I created
No declining, MUST DO.