what is this tight cluster of stars?
Waiting at a clinic, just noticed the kids corner.
Other than a painting on the wall, this seldom seen area is fully modeled.
I'm doing a recreation of the I love Lucy set and I need to find a painting!
I Love Lucy Project - Major Update: The project will now include a fully fleshed-out hallway leading down to the Mertz's apartment on the 3rd floor.
I Love Lucy Project - Check it out!
I Love Lucy Project - Update: Project now includes a fully fleshed-out hallway
For anyone having Star Trek withdrawals while waiting...
We are doomed (video edition)
Indian cinema finally found a use for suspenders
I love Lucy Set Recreation - Live Stream!
If you can identify the Iconic game house I was trying to build here, I'll be impressed
This isn’t a movie set. It’s just Poland trying to breathe, PM2.5 1300%.
Tipster Arrested After Feds Find AI Child Exploit Images and Plans to Make VR CSAM
Imagine that at your window…
I heard that Santa PEP is giving away 50k $pep to a random comment 😮
[Request] Is it possible to figure out the dimensions of this item based on the screw holding it up?
Is it possible to figure out the dimensions of this item based on the screw holding it up?
It took 3 nuclear detonations and the loss of several million lives to finally take down the monstrosity with multiple heads, eyes and wings that appeared over the skies.
Do any of you guys suffer from anxiety?
If you've stumbled upon this post, tell me something about the exact moment you're living right now. Maybe describe your surroundings, or how you're feeling in this moment. Be as brief or detailed as you want.
Finally found a copy at the local Goodwill