Check out r/FutharkRunes
WIP meowskulls drawing
Does anyone else have this or is this just me
Duo might cook me
how do I tell my parents I'm gay
Mf trying to impersonate
What is yours....
Say your name but only keep the letters H E I J A and K
Friend thought he was funny
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What's 9+10
r/fardballisland has been banned
Fardballsland has fallen
Lossless Scaling 3 released with frame generation up to x20: "No Shrooms Required" -
Win theoretical?would war who this
We were shocked…
Found a perfect city, omw to Belgium
hmmm yea...
How reliable is Wikipedia?
The size of Wikipedia compared with volumes of Encyclopaedia Brittanica (zoom in)
The Boykisser wants my life juice :3