Pure blood
Are Christians mocking L.A. Fire s?
What happens if the US collapses?
Reddit Cares
Do Christian’s still sin after they get saved ?
Bringing toddler to the gym?
If you were watching a election and you saw a red california, what would be your reaction?
Fuck cops who look for parking violations
AITA for following a woman around Walmart without her consent?
Why do the Democrats try so hard to keep criminals in America? What is there to gain?
What does this bumper sticker mean?
Fuck every vet that voted for rTrump
Say "no" without saying "no"
Make Meth Great
What should I tell people when they ask me why God allows suffering?
Uh oh.
How do you do your Bible study?
What does it feel like to be loved?
Just want to say I am proud to be a Californian
Why do so many christians not see homosexuality as a sin?
If I do good, I will go to heaven
I wish people would stop scaring people away from bc
How many people here are Christians?