This cranky Robin 😤
Another shot of this dove
This majestic falcon I saw today
This gorgeous falcon I saw today
This dove posed beautifully for me this morning
Last week I hiked up to the Oyamel fir trees in eastern Michoacan, Mexico to see the breeding grounds of super generation Monarch butterflies. To say it was an incredible experience would be an understatement.
Had a lovely jaunt through the woods this morning!
Lovely jaunt through the woods this morning!
The beautiful Gang-gang – one of several threatened cockatoo species in Australia
I stumbled upon a party this morning
Stumbled upon a party this morning!
A “bad” photo that I love, taken this morning.
[New Gear] RF200-800
New lens day!
Saw a Great Grey this morning!
A frozen bay in Quebec
ITAP of a couple of Highland cows
A leaf on a houseplant
ITAP of a squirrel
I can never resist snapping shots of squirrels I see on hikes through the woods
The icy cold Ottawa River
ITAP of an icy river
Some shots from this morning