Found this today
Go the Platinum on PS5.
What if we'd had a 90 minute season 2?
Can someone help me figure out his logic behind this??😭
Hot take: I think Millie getting an abortion is stupid from a writing perspective
Found this while cleaning out my grandmother's apartment.
I don't know anything about this coin, all I know is my great grandfather helped build the OETIO
BlueNose Dime - Low Water Line (Colour)
Our Toonie Loonie collection.
Childhood collection, anything of value or coolness?
Griefers of Red dead, destroy this Evil person
Am I lucky?
What should i play next?
In seventh grade and already transphobic
Do you prefer the PS4 or PS5 Home Screen?
Matching themes and consoles?
Nintendo’s lawyers about to make some phone calls…
My Lite's battery isn't increasing but it's charging, how do i fix?
What does this mean?
Did anyone else noticed this?
Worst TV show ever. Ever. Ever…
Thoughts on this ? I personally disagree. Why do you even care ?
Yes. Quite a lot these days
In honor of the OG game turning 20 yesterday, here’s my RE4 collection:
My girlfriend made me this list. What do you think it means?